How to manage scoliosis with chiropractic and massage

Fortunately, less than an estimated five percent of the total population has to live with scoliosis. However, those that do have scoliosis know it as an abnormal curving of the spine – essentially it means that the spine is going in the wrong direction. A clinical diagnosis of scoliosis is made if the curvature of the spine is at least 10 degrees. Even though specialists are unsure as to why, scoliosis is far more common in females than males (between two and six times more common depending on the study).

Different types of scoliosis

There are four different types of scoliosis, even though one of the four types is certainly the dominant factor. These four different types include:

  • Idiopathic –This means scoliosis that does not have a known cause. Approximately 80 percent of the people who are diagnosed with scoliosis have this type, making it the most common type of scoliosis by far.
  • Congenital –This means that the scoliosis was present at birth. This happens in utero between the first three to six weeks of development, the spine is developing in an incorrect manner, leading to a malformation of the spine.
  • Neuromuscular –Some children, who have conditions such as muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and cerebral palsy, do not have the trunk strength to support their bodies. As a result, the spine adjusts and takes a prolonged ‘C’ curve.
  • Adult or degenerative-scoliosis –This may be because of spinal compression fractures, disc degeneration, osteoporosis, or because of scoliosis that has gone unnoticed in childhood.

Fortunately, it is possible to seek relief of the discomfort associated with scoliosis with a number of different treatment methods.

How does chiropractic help scoliosis?

It is important to distinguish between resolving the issue itself and offering relief. Understand that when a chiropractor does an examination for scoliosis, it includes a number of different factors, including your lifestyle, your overall health, and scoliosis.

A chiropractor is able to determine whether there is a spinal alignment. This hump (abnormal prominence) may be indicative of scoliosis. It is important to understand that while a chiropractor can offer relief for scoliosis, they will need to refer to a specialist for further scoliosis treatment or if the situation has gotten bad enough.

There is a reason that spinal fusion is often necessary for those who have scoliosis. Studies show that moist heat in addition to chiropractic treatments can help alleviate some pain.

How does massage therapy help scoliosis?

Massage therapy is able to help people who have functional and structural scoliosis. Massage therapy is able to offer pain relief for those patients who struggle with scoliosis. Massage therapy can help improve flexibility and relax the muscles of the back and the body. A study in 2006 found that massage therapy is able to help increase the ability to conduct daily activities, improve sleep, and relieve pain in those people who struggle with scoliosis.

Having a skilled massage therapist work on patients with scoliosis includes a combination of stretches, positioning, sustained pressure, and massage strokes in order to help balance the muscles in the body and back. There are specific movement habits that contribute to functional scoliosis. Having increased body awareness through massage therapy can offer relief in those situations.

How does physiotherapy help scoliosis?

Physiotherapy does offer benefits for scoliosis. It can provide a better understanding of how limited motions are and when to seek out additional treatment from a spinal surgeon. However, most people believe that physiotherapy is especially important after scoliosis surgery.

Not only is this in place to help reduce any pain lingering from the surgical procedure itself, but also to maintain and regain the mobility in the hips, neck, shoulders, and back. It is important that the body has a strong central system to work from, thus making it especially important to do core stability exercises
Your physiotherapist is going to recommend a number of different exercises and make adjustments to posture to ensure that pain is minimized as much as possible.

Why it is important to take action for scoliosis

One of the reasons it is important to not waste time if you believe that you or someone close to you suffers from scoliosis is because the problem itself (and thus the pain) may get worse over time. Keep in mind that a scoliosis curve will not get straight on its own. A brace may be necessary to ensure that the situation itself does not become progressively worse. If you wait too long for a diagnosis, chances are that the situation becomes serious enough to where surgery is the sole remaining option.

Find out what the actual cause might be and whether treatment for scoliosis is necessary. Call the professionals at Total Back Care today. Call 8357 8211 now to set up an appointment and find out how to reduce these issues drastically.